Category: Support

Actual Value in After Hours IT Support

The pleasurable things that we experience in life are often not tied to the specific action themselves, but rather the hidden benefits. These are the things that we are truly seeking. The encounters that make our brain flood with dopamine and undergo a sense of enjoyment. Think of your favorite activity that you enjoy on  … Read more

Getting Ready to Buy a Server? WHY???

I had the radio on for background noise and a commercial came on from a local IT services company touting that they will build servers for small businesses. I was sure that I misheard the commercial and waited for it to be replayed. I heard it correctly. They were indeed targeting the small business community to build them servers.

This is wrong on so many levels.

The Practice Dilemma – Reimbursements and Technology

Physician practices of all sizes are currently feeling the squeeze of dwindling reimbursements. The conundrum of receiving reimbursements is related primarily to hassles with payers, prior authorizations, and government red tape (Medical Economics). To put it bluntly, a significant number of practices are receiving less money to provide the same services.
These providers are forced to see more patients while continuing to focus on the quality of care being administered. This is quite a daunting task.

Dwindling Reimbursements

Combat the 800 LB Gorilla in the Room Smarter and Harder

The saying “time equals money” has never applied more to the small-medium sized physician practice than at this particular time in history. Especially with the passing of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Physicians are complaining about shrinking reimbursement rates (rightfully so) and the physician practice is having to treat an increased amount of patients in the same amount of office time. Practices need to provide quality care to their patients while being concerned about their bottom line. This means that their billable hours must go up and the level of care must not suffer.

What Does Reliability Really Mean?

We have all seen the TV commercials from Comcast and Verizon for their business Internet and phone services. These sound very attractive because of the low cost but buyer beware. Don’t get me wrong, these types of services are appropriate for some very small businesses, especially ones who maintain home offices. These are businesses that do not rely on stable Internet or phone service.